Spectrum School Borgerhout – Plantijn Campus

Campus Plantijn-Spectrumschool-BSO-TSO-Duaal-DBSO

You can go for the Plantijn campus learning trajectory Learn + Discover (broad first degree).

This campus is located in the heart of Borgerhout. The domain has a green character. This creates a soothing and inspiring learning environment in the middle of the city.

The branch is not that big. This creates a personal and family character. This campus has a well-maintained, up-to-date school infrastructure with well-equipped practical studios, a kitchen and a laboratory. Innovative education is central. Lessons are organized on a project basis and there are numerous initiatives to enrich the learning process.

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Campus Plantijn

Phone: 03 / 217 43 40
Email: plantijn@spectrumschool.be

Plantin & Moretuslei 165
2140 Borgerhout

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